Thursday, September 06, 2007

Brown/Blue Swaparooni......

it is with great joy that I announce my Brown/Blue swap box came today... not the 1st one.. but the 2nd one.. The first one is lost somewhere in the United States Postal Service black hole.. But the 2nd one arrived nicely to my door by my friendly UPS man.

Thank you to Cassie.. not only did she put together a 2nd box for me.. The first one is floating around somewhere.. I hope it comes back to her someday. AND she had some hard times happen during this swap. So i'm just Thankful that she sent anything...

so.. without further ado.. in no particular order.. I give you .. My SWAP...........


ann said...

I really need to get in on this, I love the home made bag. LOL

Anonymous said...

Those shoes are too cute!