Thursday, February 22, 2007

a playdate...

and a 2 hour drive home... we had a playdate at the Mullinax's house today, The McTriplets were also there! It was a great time amidst all the chaos that nine kids, strike that, 9 toddlers & 1 itty bitty baby! We did McDonald's for lunch, it was fun watching all the kids sit at the table, and not one of them drank out of "their" sippie, everytime I looked at my kids, they had someone else's sippy and vice versa, funny! As I was driving home I had to pull over because Macy was crying and I didn't know if her finger was caught or if she was being pinched or what, but I reached into my bag to get her binky, I noticed that my camera was sitting on top, but I also felt another lens cap, I kind of laughed it off, oh well, I'll send it in the mail, I thought, so I called Jen to let her know that I had her lens cap, she didn't answer, but did call me back

Jen: Hey

Me: Hey, laughing, are ya missing a lens cap

Jen: uh, you have "my" camera!!!

me: oh crap, i'll turn around and come back

I secretly wanted to keep her D200 and ditch my piece of junk D70s, but i'm always the nice girl, so I politely brought it back..

anyway, it took us a little while to get home.. and amidst all the craziness, Kara left her camera there too.. We're lucky that we came home with the right kids or with any kids at all...

Jen, Thanks for a great day... hope to see you & Kara again soon at my house!


Anonymous said...

OK, You had a playdate, there were 3 mothers there each armed with a camera, and 2 of the mothers are professional photographers. All I see is ONE picture! Do I need to buy the pics or something?

Uncle Kevin

Stefanie~ said...

yep.. they're for sale..

I didn't take many, check out Jen's site for better pics...

Smart butt...