Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentines Day..

Since I will be in Jury duty all day tomorrow.. or at least half a day.. I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day.. I had these printed, but they printed so terrible that I only sent a couple of them out.. I had grand hopes of sending everyone I knew a cute Valentine from the kiddos.. but this year, we just ran out of time...


Jennifer Mullinax said...

Awww..so sweet!! Happy Valentine's Day!!! Love, Grace, Isabelle, Samuel and Sophia

Anonymous said...

You're a great friend Stef! Thanks for always making me feel good about my parenting skills and helping me to think that all is really ok with my kids...I'm so glad that we get to be on this Mommy-ride together, now if only we lived closer!! :)
Happy Valentine's Day to my Sweetest Virtual Friend!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day!! LOL Ann

Anonymous said...

Hi there!

I saw that I was getting hits to my website from your blog and I wanted to stop in and say "hello"!! Oh - and THANKS - you are so sweet to have me in *photographers you admire* :)

Wow - triplets, huh? 3 times the love, 3 times the insanity?? They are adorable and your Valentine's Day card is so cute!

Email me sometime and let's chat! jen@jenniferwilsonphoto.com

Happy V-Day!!!

jen :)