Tuesday, April 03, 2007

spring diet..

I must stop in here and tell you that now that spring is here.. my diet only consists of two things.. Strawberries & cool whip... nothing else in the world matters to me!!! If I could only live on one thing.. this would be it..if I was stranded on a deserted island, this is what I would bring! Get the picture! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Leigh said...

Did you take that picture? If so, where did you find those gorgeous looking strawberries? I haven't seen any that pretty down here...yet.

Stefanie~ said...

no.. I wish I took it..

It's a stock photo...

me: where are you from? Do you have a blog?

Thanks for visiting us!

Leigh said...

How funny! It's me (Leigh). What's up with the Me as my name. I have no idea why it's doing that and you know me well enough to know that it could take a year or more to figure it out or change it. So, whenever you see Me, it's me. :)

~Melissa Mullinax said...

I was thinking the same thing! LOL! I've been looking for nice strawberries lately, but I hadn't seen any yet. :P